Home » Swiss Institutional Consortium invest $400m in infrastructure alongside CDPQ

Swiss Institutional Consortium invest $400m in infrastructure alongside CDPQ

Swiss Institutional Consortium invest 0m in infrastructure alongside CDPQ

The Swiss Institutional Consortium is investing an initial $400m (€372m) in infrastructure through a co-investment partnership with Caisse de depot et placement du Quebec (CDPQ).

The consortium of pensions and insurers, including Retraites Populaires and related parties, CPEG, Centre Patronal and related parties, CPEF, PRESV, and the Pension Fund of ICRC, have agreed to make the initial investment by participating indirectly in private long-term sustainable infrastructure investments alongside CDPQ.

InPact Partners, through its Swiss-based private markets affiliate, InPact Switzerland, is advising the Swiss Institutional Consortium on the partnership.

InPact Partners said the initial $400m commitment is expected to grow in the coming quarters as other pensions and insurers across Switzerland have expressed interest in joining the consortium.

Representatives from the Swiss Institutional Consortium, said: “This partnership underscores our dedication to best investment practices, diversification towards large-scale transaction and delivery of sustainable returns to our pension beneficiaries.”

Emmanuel Jaclot, EVP and head of infrastructure at CDPQ, said: “This co-investment partnership is based on shared values and a great alignment of interest. CDPQ will be able to use this additional capital alongside its own to fund larger transactions in the infrastructure space.”

CDPQ placed second on the IPE Real Assets Top 100 infrastructure investors 2023 rankings. The Canadian institution held a C$59.8bn (€40.6bn) infrastructure portfolio at the end of 2023.

To read the latest IPE Real Assets magazine click here.