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Swiss scientists invent healthier and more sustainable chocolate

Swiss scientists invent healthier and more sustainable chocolate

Cocoa fruit contains other valuable ingredients that have been underutilised until now, the researchers say. ADVERTISEMENT Scientists in Switzerland have invented a way to make chocolate healthier and more sustainable. No Oompa Loompas, chocolate rivers or magical gum were involved in the making of this new treat – simply a fresh look at the whole...

Here are the best things to do in Zurich, Europe’s most liveable city

Here are the best things to do in Zurich, Europe’s most liveable city

Even if moving to Zurich is not for you, the Swiss city is still well worth a trip. ADVERTISEMENT For those with a close eye on Europe’s best cities, it will come as little surprise that Zurich has come out on top on the latest ranking of the continent’s most liveable places. Switzerland’s largest city...