Home » Tragedy narrowly averted on JFK runway by quick-thinking Swiss Air pilot

Tragedy narrowly averted on JFK runway by quick-thinking Swiss Air pilot

Tragedy narrowly averted on JFK runway by quick-thinking Swiss Air pilot

The Federal Aviation Association (FAA) wants to know why a Swiss International Airlines flight had to abort takeoff on a John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) due to an air traffic control snafu that gave several other planes the okay to use.

“Swiss Airlines Flight 17K aborted its takeoff at John F. Kennedy International Airport because four aircraft were crossing the same runway downfield,” FAA officials said in a statement.  “The FAA will continue to investigate.”

The close call happened Wednesday, April 17, around 4:45 p.m., the FAA said in a statement. An agency representative told the Daily News Tuesday that there have been no further developments.